Position:home>The new superior varieties>Big fruit, late-mature, be able to bear or endure peach of lay aside new breed
Big fruit, late-mature, be able to bear or endure peach of lay aside new breed
From;  Author:Stand originally

High yield cultivates fertilization to should be given priority to with base manure, deep ploughing of combinative late autumn is applied. General 667 square metre (mu) apply organic fat 7000kg, occupy the 90% above of 80% ~ of annual gross. It is the 2nd times strong fruit is fat, give priority to with nitrogenous fertilizer, combine phosphor, potash fertilizer, deciding the use after fruit (in May the last ten-day of a month) . Be in the 3rd times fructification is applied before rapid expand (medium in August, the last ten-day of a month) , give priority to with quick result phosphor, potash fertilizer. In addition, after fructification is harvested, conditional when, in September the last ten-day of a month is given priority to with nitrogenous fertilizer apply filling fertilizer 1 times, with benefit Yu Zhisao is enriched and raise the level that nutrition stores up inside tree body. Still should notice compensatory microelement.

Although peach is able to bear or endure drought sex is strong, but in expand of florescence, fructification period, if encounter long drought not rain, answer seasonable fill water, with promoting fructification sit normally expand of fruit, development. In addition, seasonable fill water also answers after top application every time. Peach most be afraid of waterlogged, rainy season answer seasonable scanty channel catchment prevents be soiled to kill.

2.5 plant diseases and insect pests prevent and cure

Be aimed at the plant diseases and insect pests that discovers on this breed, annual holds a key 7 times period of prevention and cure can be controlled. Specific for: The gush before ① is budding 3°Be ~ 5°Be lime sulfur, the moth of aphid of disease of perforation of bacterium of main prevention and cure, powdery mildew, peach, red spider, Qian Xie, bug that eat a heart; Ao Ke of the gush before ② is spent 2000 ~ 2500 times fluid (or Bi bug Lin 2000 times fluid) clever powder of + much bacterium (or methylic the ferry that hold cloth in the palm) 1000 times fluid, basically use aphid of prevention and cure to hold concurrently treat plant bug; The 10d after ③ is spent (day) (in April the first ten days of a month) gush destroys sweep benefit + of 2500 times fluid loves to give birth to 1000 times fluid very much, plant bug of prevention and cure, aphid and peach perforation are ill; The first ten days of a month will use ④ in May destroy young Niao 3 (1500 ~ 2500 times fluid) + kongfu (2000 times fluid) + antiseptic, use moth of Qian Xie of peach of prevention and cure; The last ten-day of a month will use ⑤ in May mite is dead clean (1500 ~ 2000 times fluid) + a peach-shaped thing is little clean (clever) 1500 times fluid, use prevention and cure to feed heart bug and red spider; ⑥ red white mite will establish gush of the first ten days of a month in June kill small spirit of peach of + of 2000 times fluid (or kongfu) , red spider of prevention and cure; The last ten-day of a month will reach ⑦ in June the first ten days of a month will use peach small spirit in July (clean) ester of chrysanthemum of + chloric cyanogen zinc of manganese of Dai Sen of + of 2000 times fluid 1000 times fluid or much bacterium spirit, powdery mildew and black star are disease of perforation of sex of bacterium of prevention and cure, ill. Aphid, mite prevents and cure in the meantime kind wait with Sang Bai Jie.
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