Position:home>Science and Technology>Of chicken of the silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics raise a technology
Of chicken of the silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics raise a technology
From;  Author:Stand originally

4, the disease prevents and cure

The sickness prophylaxis and treatment of chicken of the silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics and domestic chicken are identical, chicken of seedling giving case must inject gallinaceous horse establishs vaccine of the disease that overcome a family name, annual age flesh notes new city epidemic disease 1 department vaccine and vaccine of oily emulsion of bursa of law family name, guan Yan is raised to lose with contagious larynx when 40 week age immunity of eye of poisonous vaccinal drop. With encephalomyelitis weak poisonous vaccine waters when 42 week age immunity. Frequently-occurring disease of chicken of the silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics is black head disease and choleraic disease. Black head disease is usable enlighten Zun of saltpetre of beautiful element, armour prevents and cure,

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